CAUTION: This project could take your entire life depending on how big you want it. Attempt only if you have excessive amounts of time on your hands!!
I’m only kidding, sort of. Keep reading.
I decided I wanted a rag rug to place in front of Lucy’s crib. I briefly looked in stores such as Home Goods, Target, etc. All had rag rugs, but none had the right colors! So I moved on to searching for how to make my own. Of course my first resource was Pinterest. I searched and I found this tutorial from Everyday Art.
{photo courtesy of Everyday Art}
So it looked easy enough and I decided I needed to do something crafty anyway to get me through the remainder of my pregnancy. After all, it had been months since I’d even explored anything that involved DIY.
So why the bold comment at the top of this post warning you to attempt at your own risk? It will take you forever to complete and you have to have a TON of fabric! To prove my point let me tell you a little side story…
I was at Hobby Lobby for the 3rd time buying fabric for this project. Yes, the third time! i kept running out! There was a lady in front of me buying small amounts of several different fabrics. The lady at the fabric counter is very nice (or maybe just nosey) and always inquires about what you will make with the fabric being purchased. When she asked the gal in front of me I heard her say she was making a rag rug for her son’s nursery. So of course I jumped in and said I was doing the same and went on to complain that it was my third trip to buy fabric and 4th week working on the rug. She had one up on me. It was her 4th trip for fabric and she had been working on rug since she was pregnant. Her son was 7 weeks old! So it wasn’t just me! This was the project that would NEVER end!
But seriously, look how cute it turned out! So if you are still brave enough to attempt this project, here are my recommendations.
1. Work on this in all your spare time when your hands are fre
2. Don’t underestimate the amount of fabric needed. You will return to the store (at least twice) to purchase more.
So to make the rug you will need a rug pad with large holes. They come in a variety of sizes and you can always cut it to fit the size you want. You will also need A LOT of fabric. Like 15-20 yards total. Choose a variety of different fabrics in the colors that coordinate with your room but also choose different patterns. The pattern on the fabric won’t matter because you won’t be able to see it anyway.
Using the tutorial above, simply loop the fabric strips through the holes of the rug pad.
You can see here how I skipped a few random spaces in each row and a row in between.
This made the rug plenty full.
So try if you dare. It is definitely an adorable product with a tedious process. Lucy likes it!
New winner for the giveaway. I’ve picked two and neither has come forward to claim their prize. Let’s try one more time.
Oh Diana, it’s you!!
Please email me so I can give you your prize. 🙂